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Third of expats move abroad for work
12 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Third of expats move abroad for work

A recent survey by Lloyds TSB International reveals that around a third of expats leaving the UK are doing so for work reasons.
The study found that of this number seven out of 10 reported earning a higher wage than at home. Pay in the UK has struggled to keep up with inflation with many workers having their pay frozen as the UK struggles...
Skilled migrants essential for Australian economy
24 May at 9 AMNews Item Link: Skilled migrants essential for Australian economy

The Australian government has not adjusted its expected immigration figures for the coming year. Last year the figure stood at 190,000 and the number has remained the same in this year’s Federal Budget.
The news will be welcomed by those who plan to move Down Under for work after months of rumours that the government planned to slash...
Emigration soars among Irish young
17 May at 9 AMNews Item Link: Emigration soars among Irish young

A new study shows that the recession in Ireland is hitting younger people hardest and fuelling a growth in the number deciding to move abroad. The survey by the Economic and Social Research Institute reveals that older age groups have not been affected as much by the economic results of the property crash as younger people.
Those under the...
Brits move abroad for a better quality of life
3 May at 9 AMNews Item Link: Brits move abroad for a better quality of life

A new study by Lloyds TSB International show that close to a third of British expats have made the move overseas to take advantage of better job opportunities. This is a marked increase on the 27 per cent who said the same in February last year.
Over the past 18 months the economy in the UK has remained flat with unemployment
Increase in Irish and Brits moving abroad for work
29 Mar at 9 AMNews Item Link: Increase in Irish and Brits moving abroad for work

As Ireland’s economy continues to struggle more workers are looking for job opportunities in other countries. A lack of job prospects and a general malaise have also helped push migration levels to an all time high.
However a recent study also found that many those who have full time jobs would be interested in making a move overseas if...
Canada introduces new visa for young workers
22 Feb at 9 AMNews Item Link: Canada introduces new visa for young workers

The Canadian government has introduced a new visa scheme that gives young people the chance to live and work in the country before deciding whether they would like to make a more permanent move. The International Experience Class visa has been created by the merger of the International Exchange Programme and the International Youth...
Rise in the number of UK workers moving abroad
28 Dec at 9 AMNews Item Link: Rise in the number of UK workers moving abroad

The Office for National Statistics has released figures that show an increase in the number of British workers looking for overseas work in an effort to secure the financial future of their families.
For the year ending in July 353,000 emigrants made the decision to leave the UK. This is a significant increase on the 336,000 people who...
US expats worried about 2013 tax hikes
16 Nov at 9 AMNews Item Link: US expats worried about 2013 tax hikes

US tax planning service Greenback Expat Tax Services has published a survey that suggests the majority of Americans living and working abroad do not think that they should be required to file expat taxes in the US. Of those who responded to the survey 59 per cent said they did not feel that expat taxes were appropriate.
The new study comes...
Wealthy Brits want to move abroad
2 Oct at 2 PMNews Item Link: Wealthy Brits want to move abroad

More and more wealthy Brits are considering moving abroad, according to a new study. The de Vere Group, an expat wealth management firm, has reported that they have received 36 per cent more enquiries about relocating abroad from Brits under 40 in the third quarter of this year compared to the same period of 2011.
Nigel Green, the...
Emigration keeps Irish unemployment rate down
25 Sep at 9 AMNews Item Link: Emigration keeps Irish unemployment rate down

The Irish government has published new data which indicates that up to 40,000 people quit the Emerald Isle each year as a result of disheartening employment prospects.
However, analysts have said that such a rate of emigration is among the reasons that the jobless rate is not at an even higher level. The Central Statistics Office revealed...