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October 2012 International Relocation and Moving Abroad News Archive
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Expat children fighting locals for a place at international schools
26 Oct at 9 AMNews Item Link: Expat children fighting locals for a place at international schools

Expat parents are facing a dramatic hike in the cost of schooling their children as the popularity of international schools grows with local parents. According to figures released by ISC Research, a branch of the International School Consultancy Group, 80 per cent of the available places at international education establishment are now being...
Canada is best country in which to raise children
19 Oct at 9 AMNews Item Link: Canada is best country in which to raise children

A recently published survey suggests that Canada is the best country on the planet in which to bring up children. Among the reasons given for this are the country’s healthcare system, the friendliness of the people and the great outdoors.
The 2012 HSBC Expat Explorer Survey found that children brought up in Canada were more active than...
Singapore and Hong Kong are hubs for wealthiest expats
12 Oct at 9 AMNews Item Link: Singapore and Hong Kong are hubs for wealthiest expats

HSBC Expat’s latest Expat Explorer survey has found that the richest foreigners are now to be found in Singapore where last year it was Saudi Arabia. The study looked at 5,000 expats and showed that there has been a swing from the Middle East to Asia.
As well as Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, China and Thailand are now in the top ten....
Singapore and Hong Kong are hubs for wealthiest expats
12 Oct at 9 AMNews Item Link: Singapore and Hong Kong are hubs for wealthiest expats

HSBC Expat’s latest Expat Explorer survey has found that the richest foreigners are now to be found in Singapore where last year it was Saudi Arabia. The study looked at 5,000 expats and showed that there has been a swing from the Middle East to Asia.
As well as Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, China and Thailand are now in the top ten....
Number of Bulgarians wanting to emigrate rises
5 Oct at 9 AMNews Item Link: Number of Bulgarians wanting to emigrate rises

A survey conducted last month indicates that more Bulgarians intend to emigrate. The number of people expressing an interest in leaving for good has risen by three per cent since November 2009 to 14 per cent. The research was conducted by the National Centre for Public Opinion Research.
A quarter of those between the ages of 30 and 39...
Wealthy Brits want to move abroad
2 Oct at 2 PMNews Item Link: Wealthy Brits want to move abroad

More and more wealthy Brits are considering moving abroad, according to a new study. The de Vere Group, an expat wealth management firm, has reported that they have received 36 per cent more enquiries about relocating abroad from Brits under 40 in the third quarter of this year compared to the same period of 2011.
Nigel Green, the...