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July 2012 International Relocation and Moving Abroad News Archive
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Move abroad for a better job
26 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Move abroad for a better job

A recent survey has found that more than a fifth of people living in the UK intend to spend some time living abroad before they are 40. However, another 18 per cent of respondents said they would only consider moving to another country after they had retired.
The study, conducted by Global Visas, found that Brits aged between 18 and 25...
Pensioners moving abroad face financial difficulties
19 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Pensioners moving abroad face financial difficulties

Brits approaching retirement and planning to spend their golden years in another country are being warned to consider their financial situation carefully. The weakening of the pound and austerity measures aimed at benefits such as pensions mean many are finding their spending power dramatically reduced.
Although other countries offer the...
Third of expats move abroad for work
12 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Third of expats move abroad for work

A recent survey by Lloyds TSB International reveals that around a third of expats leaving the UK are doing so for work reasons.
The study found that of this number seven out of 10 reported earning a higher wage than at home. Pay in the UK has struggled to keep up with inflation with many workers having their pay frozen as the UK struggles...
Brits flock to Bulgaria
5 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Brits flock to Bulgaria

With its low cost of living and extremely competitive property prices, Bulgaria is a popular destination for Brits moving abroad. It is estimated that some 30,000 UK expats now call Bulgaria home. The country joined the EU in 2008 when housing prices hit a peak. However, the global economic downturn hit prices hard. The market is now more...
More Brits, Chinese and Indians move to New Zealand
31 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: More Brits, Chinese and Indians move to New Zealand

The number of foreigners moving to New Zealand has gone up by the highest amount for 16 months with the majority arriving from the UK, China and New Zealand.
The latest Statistics New Zealand data reveals that in June there was a seasonally adjusted net increase of 490 people, the greatest number since February last year. However, on a...
New NZ website looks to encourage talented immigrants
28 Jul at 2 PMNews Item Link: New NZ website looks to encourage talented immigrants

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has announced improved tools to help the country bring fresh talent to its soil.
Officials from INZ said this week that it had re-launched an upgraded version of the New Zealand Now website, which it hopes will effectively aid local businesses in finding skilled offshore individuals to fill key roles.
Egypt allows freer entry for Palestinians
26 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Egypt allows freer entry for Palestinians

Egypt is allowing Palestinians freer temporary entry into the country in a move that eases travel restrictions that have been imposed for many years, particularly on Gazans, said Egyptian and Palestinian officials.
But the decision has led to confusion among security agencies and seemed to bring a certain level of resistance. Some officers...
Arrests for US immigration violations fall
24 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Arrests for US immigration violations fall

As the number of Mexicans heading north to the US with no documents drops, the US government says that apprehensions for federal immigration offences have fallen to a 40-year low.
Meanwhile, the number of suspects taken in for criminal immigration offences by the US Marshals Service has seen a dramatic rise, a result of more stringent law...
UK manufacturing talent looks abroad
21 Jul at 2 PMNews Item Link: UK manufacturing talent looks abroad

British manufacturing workers have come out on top of a poll to see who is most likely to looking for employment overseas, revealed a survey by research and consultancy company Intelligence Group and jobsite Totaljobs.com.
The survey quizzed more than 7,000 British workers and discovered that out of the people interested in or seeking for...
Short term international insurance launched for expats
19 Jul at 6 PMNews Item Link: Short term international insurance launched for expats

People moving overseas to work for just a few months are now able to sign up for an international health insurance that is for less than 12 months.
Many international health insurance providers offer a 12-month minimum cover, but Bupa International has now launched an international private medical insurance (iPMII) designed specifically...
Accountants prepared to move overseas for better jobs
17 Jul at 6 PMNews Item Link: Accountants prepared to move overseas for better jobs

Six in 10 accountants currently living in Asia Pacific will be searching for new employment within the next 6-12 months, while over a quarter (27 per cent) will be looking to move immediately.
Research by job board CareersinAudit.com found that almost half of the accountants (43 per cent) preparing to move are looking to work in another...
Unemployed Portuguese seek prosperity in Mozambique
14 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Unemployed Portuguese seek prosperity in Mozambique

Thousands of Portuguese have quit the troubled country and headed for the former colony of Mozambique, where a booming economy offers the hope of employment and a brighter future.
Portuguese, particularly the young, are leaving a land where unemployment could soon surpass 15 per cent, after the country entered recession in 2011. They have...
Alarming rise in attacks for Greek immigrants
12 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Alarming rise in attacks for Greek immigrants

A well-known human rights organisation has urged the new government in Greece to try and curb the “alarming” rise in attacks against African and Asian immigrants, including violent attacks by gangs on pregnant women and teenage boys.
In a hundred-page report by Human Rights Watch, the US-based organisation said that xenophobic attacks,...
New UK immigration regulations to hit Pakistanis hardest
10 Jul at 3 PMNews Item Link: New UK immigration regulations to hit Pakistanis hardest

New UK immigration rules regarding marriages with overseas residents which came into force recently shows that Pakistani residents in the country would be the hardest hit.
Every year, roughly 40,000 people arrive in Britain on spouse on marriage visas. The amount of British Pakistanis travelling to Pakistan to marry has been rising. Most...
Irish unemployment hits highest point for 18 years
8 Jul at 3 PMNews Item Link: Irish unemployment hits highest point for 18 years

Ireland’s unemployment figure has climbed to an 18-year high, revealed official data released for June.
But the figure has been somewhat kept down due to the high number of people opting to quit the country in search of better prosperity abroad. Ireland’s population is currently at 4.5 million. The Central Statistics Office revealed...
Jobless young Portuguese advised to look abroad
5 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Jobless young Portuguese advised to look abroad

As Portugal’s unemployment rate continues to rise, the nation’s prime minister has caused controversy by saying that jobless young people should seek employment abroad.
The current debt crisis and the economic recession have pushed the unemployment rate to a critical level. Prime Minister Passos Coelho appears to have angered even his...
Taiwan DOH to lure doctors overseas to return home
3 Jul at 6 PMNews Item Link: Taiwan DOH to lure doctors overseas to return home

The Department of Health (DOH) in Taiwan said it would launch a project in August to lure Taiwanese doctors licensed abroad to return home to practise, in an attempt to combat the profession’s brain drain.
Taiwanese doctors practising in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the UK and the US, but who were already qualified before moving...