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Ireland brain drain hitting hard

Published: | 18 Aug at 2 PM |
Nearly half the people in Ireland know someone who has quit the country in the last five years, revealed the latest digital research company Sponge It survey.
The ‘State of the Nation’ survey showed that 49 per cent of respondents said that they had a friend who has left the country since 2007. A further 39 per cent of people said an extended relative has emigrated to find employment in the past five years. However, half of the respondents said they believe Ireland will not be stuck in recession in 2016.
The survey also found that nine in 10 people were unsure what job they would have in the future; one third believed their job was safe; four in 10 thought unemployment and not many job prospects were a threat to happiness and health; half said their money was out by the month end; 44 per cent believe Ireland offers enough opportunities; over half said Ireland was corrupt; and 72 per cent believed their lives would be better five years down the line.
When questioned on what they would spend any lottery winnings on, the majority of people said they would take care of family members, while the next most popular answer was to pay off personal loans and mortgage debt, and travelling came in third.
The ‘State of the Nation’ survey showed that 49 per cent of respondents said that they had a friend who has left the country since 2007. A further 39 per cent of people said an extended relative has emigrated to find employment in the past five years. However, half of the respondents said they believe Ireland will not be stuck in recession in 2016.
The survey also found that nine in 10 people were unsure what job they would have in the future; one third believed their job was safe; four in 10 thought unemployment and not many job prospects were a threat to happiness and health; half said their money was out by the month end; 44 per cent believe Ireland offers enough opportunities; over half said Ireland was corrupt; and 72 per cent believed their lives would be better five years down the line.
When questioned on what they would spend any lottery winnings on, the majority of people said they would take care of family members, while the next most popular answer was to pay off personal loans and mortgage debt, and travelling came in third.